Lesson Medicine
On Thursday 18 May 2023 the first lesson in Virtual Reality for the Master’s degree program Biotechnologies of Human Reproduction teaching Assisted Reproductive Technologies took place. As part of Prof. Alice Luddi’s course, students were presented with a lesson on the medically assisted procreation laboratory. The virtual simulation was developed in the Laboratory of the University of Siena labVR UNISI directed by prof. Alessandro Innocenti in collaboration with Prof. Paola Piomboni and Prof. Alice Luddi of the Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine. The lesson is funded by the Training Art project, coordinated by Prof. Paola Piomboni, which aims to develop software capable of creating realistic and plausible virtual environments, which allow the reproduction of the main procedures adopted in the medically assisted procreation laboratory (MAP) such as alternative training tool which, overcoming ethical and regulatory difficulties, constitutes a unique opportunity for the training of future embryologists, in a safe and controlled learning environment.