Immersive Learning Workshop
Workshop of the European Immersive Learning Network:
VR in Higher Education
26th and 27th June 2023, Liverpool John Moores University
The European Immersive Learning Network is a group of universities and institutions of higher education dedicated to the exploration of the potential of immersive learning approaches within Higher Education and beyond. The aim of the EILN is to ensure that all participants are exposed to the latest technologies as well as being able to participate in practical demonstrations of how it is being used throughout the network. The workshop took an informal approach to learning and all participants were encouraged to bring and share their own experiences of all immersive learning techniques including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR). The workshop was hosted by Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). LJMU is celebrating its bicentennial in 2023 having started as Liverpool Mechanics Institute in 1823 as an organisation dedicated to training the workers of the vibrant city of Liverpool. 200 years later the university has over 25,000 students, around 5000 of them based in the Faculty of Business and Law. The workshop was hosted in the brand new Student Life Building which is situated in the heart of the city, as well as the showcasing of approaches and a number of speeches, the workshop allowed participants to explore Liverpool with social activities planned for the evening of the 26th.
Agenda: Monday, 26th June 2023
09:00-09:45 Registration (Student Life Building, Copperas Hill, Liverpool, L3 5GE)
09:45-10:00 Welcome: “…And I would roll 200 years, and I would roll 200 more…” (Professor Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Experience))
10:00-10:30: Introduction to the workshop: Immersive Learning, where are we now?
(Dr Peter Wolstencroft)
10:30-12:30: Liverpool John Moores University showcase – a variety of practical-based sessions where attendees can try out the various approaches taken at LJMU
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-16:00: SKEMA showcase – a variety of practical-based sessions where attendees can try out the various approaches taken at SKEMA Business School (France)
16:00-16:45 Plenary: AI, VR and Student Experience
(Chair: Dr Alison Lui)
Evening: Cultural activities exploring Liverpool
Agenda: Tuesday, 27th June 2023
09:00-10:00 Early Career Researcher Showcase I (Student Life Building, Copperas Hill, Liverpool, L3 5GE) – an opportunity for doctoral students and ECRs to showcase their work and network amongst attendees
10:00-10:15 ‘The Future of VR at LJMU’ (Dr Tim Nichol, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Business and Law))
10:30-12:30: University of Siena showcase – a variety of practical-based sessions where attendees can try out the various approaches taken at UNISI
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:00: Panel Discussion: Immersive Learning, the next five years….
(Chair: Dr. Peter Wolstencroft)
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 EILN Business Meeting (invitees only)