On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. LabVR UNISI is participating to Ecomondo 2023 in collaboration with the Inail, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Human Settlements and the Rubes Triva Foundation by organizing the event
An innovative road to safe driving even at work: experience of an immersive laboratory
‘UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development recognizes road safety as a prerequisite for ensuring healthy lives, promoting well-being and making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. According to data released by the European Transport Safety Council, work-related road accidents make up more than 40 percent of all work-related fatalities: in fact, it is estimated that 6 out of every 10 accidents, resulting in death, are road accidents themselves. As part of the BRIC 2022 OSH-RO@D Project, following the study of the dynamics and causes of work-related road accidents and the selection of real cases of work-related accidents (type of activity, risk situations and unforeseen events), a virtual reality training module on work-related road risk was designed taking into account physiological, cognitive and behavioral factors that may result in reduced driving performance. The objective of the seminar is to show, through a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach, the path of design and development of the workshop and to let people experience the innovative model. The workshop is aimed at triggering active learning that, through the ability to make conscious choices, enables the development of correct and safe attitudes, a new “habit of mind,” and social and emotional skills.
Organizational coordination:
Elena Mattace Raso, (e.mattaceraso@inail.it), Promotion and Information Process Manager, with the collaboration of Tiziana Belli (t.belli@inail.it) Inail, Central Prevention Directorate
Seminar scientific managers:
Agnese Martini (a.martini@inail.it ) Emma Pietrafesa (e.pietrafesa@inail.it )
Inail, Department of Medicine, Epidemiology, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.
Inail scientific events coordinator at Ecomondo:
Annalisa Nebbioso (a.nebbioso@inail.it) Inail, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Human Settlements
Organizing secretariat: Daniela Gaetana Cogliani (d.cogliani@inail.it) Inail, Department of Technological Innovations and Safety of Plants, Products and Human Settlements
Credit release secretariat:
Tiziana Dragone (t.dragone@inail.it) – Guido Giangreco (g.giangreco@inail.it) Inail, Central Prevention Directorate.
No credit is expected. Admission is free after registration which will take place directly at the reception desk at the entrance of the hall, subject to availability of seats.
11.00-11.15 Health and safety on the road: importance of the man-worker macro-factor
Agnese Martini, Inail, Department of Medicine, Epidemiology, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
11.15-11.30 Road traffic accidents, work and health: collaborative activities between Rubes Triva Foundation and Inail
Giuseppe Mulazzi and Monica Bigliardi, Rubes Triva Foundation
11.30-11.45 Innovation, participation and involvement in training: tools and models for worker protection
Emma Pietrafesa, Inail, Department of Medicine, Epidemiology, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
11.45-12.00 Development of an immersive laboratory: an innovative and safe way forward
Alessandro Innocenti, Luca Lusuardi and Gaetano Torrisi, LabVR UNISI, University of Siena
12.00-12.20 Laboratory experience in virtual reality
With the collaboration of all speakers
12.20-12.30 Conclusions
Agnese Martini and Emma Pietrafesa, Inail, Department of Medicine, Epidemiology, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene