DIRV Institution
As of October 25, 2024 for a three-year period, the Interdepartmental Research Center in Virtual Reality Education (DIRV)- DISPOC administrative headquarters is established, having the following characteristics:
1) The Departments adhering to the DIRV Center are:
Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences -DISPOC -administrative headquarters;
Department of Business and Legal Studies- DISAG;
Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine-DMMS;
Department of Historical Sciences and Cultural Heritage -DSSBC;
Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences -DSFTA.
2) The faculty members afferent to the DIRV Center are:
for the DISPOC: Prof. Alessandro INNOCENTI, Prof. Paola PALMITESTA, Prof. Oronzo PARLANGELI;
for the DISAG: Prof. Lorenzo ZANNI, Prof. ssa Elena CASPRINI, Prof. Tommaso PUCCI;
for the DMMS: Prof. Paola PIOMBONI, Prof. Alice LUDDI, Prof. Laura GOVERNINI;
for the DSFTA: Prof. Simone BASTIANONI, Prof. Nadia MARCHETTINI, Prof. Federico Maria PULSELLI;
for the DSSBC: Prof. Marco VALENTI, Prof. Franco CAMBI, Prof. Enrico ZANINI.