Annual Meeting LabVR

The Virtual Reality Laboratory of the University of Siena invites you to the ANNUAL MEETING LABVR UNISI to illustrate its Education, Training and Education activities through the use of Extended Reality technologies (Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality), which will be held on Monday, December 16, 2024 at the Santa Chiara Lab, Via di Val di Montone 1, Siena. The workshop aims to show the distinctive features of these technologies and the opportunities for their use by companies and educational institutions. Special attention will be given to recent developments of Virtual Reality technologies in education and occupational safety, with a focus on synergies with innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Digital Manufacturing.

Dec. 16, 2024, h 11 a.m.
Santa Chiara Lab, University of Siena
Via di Val di Montone 1, Siena

h 11:00 Institutional greetings Paola Piomboni (Dean’s Delegate for Didactics UNISI)
h 11:15 Introduction by Alessandro Innocenti (LabVR UNISI)
h 11:30 The use of immersive technologies in security: the Rubes Triva case. Talks by Giuseppe Mulazzi and Monica Bigliardi (Rubes Triva Foundation)
h 12:00 The use of immersive technologies in safety: the INAIL case. Talk by Antonella Pireddu (INAIL)
h 12:30 The application of artificial intelligence in immersive technologies. Intervention of Valter Fraccaro (Siena Artificial Intelligence Hub)
h 13:00 Lunch
h 14:00 LabVR UNISI simulations. Hands-on demonstrations of VR simulations on occupational safety training and university teaching
h 15:30 Q&A session
h 16:00 Conclusions

The event aims to gather lecturers interested in the use of virtual and mixed reality in their courses and a selected participation of Prevention and Protection Service Managers (RSPPs) from medium to large companies. Also present will be experts and professionals in the field of higher education, consultants specialized in occupational safety, as well as representatives of trade associations operating in sectors where safety is a key element.

VR and Performing Arts
Introduction to Virtual Reality