- A. Innocenti, F. Molinari and C. Müller, “Assessing risk perception and well-being at workplaces: A game based approach” , in Bernhard Katzy, Thomas Holzmann, Klaus Sailer, and Klaus Dieter Thoben (eds), ICE 2012 Conference Proceedings, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship at the Munich University for Applied Sciences, Munich, 2012, pp. 1-18
- V. Faralla, A. Innocenti and E. Venturini, “The ALBO Project – Virtual Working Environments for the Detection of Organizational Well-Being” , in P. Jerry, N. Tavares-Jones and S. Gregory (eds), Riding the Hype Cycle: The Resurgence of Virtual Worlds, Inter-Disciplinary Press Oxford, United Kingdom, 2013, pp. 13-26.
- V. Faralla, A. Innocenti and E. Venturini, “Risk Taking and Social Exposure”, LabSi Working Papers, Università di Siena, n. 46/2013, luglio 2013.
- V. Faralla, A. Innocenti, S. Taddei and E. Venturini “Physiological Responses to Stressful Work Situations in Low-Immersive Virtual Environments”, LabSi Working Papers, Università di Siena, n. 47/2013, luglio 2013.
- A. Innocenti, “Virtual Reality Experiments in Economics”, LabSi Working Papers, Università di Siena, n. 49/2015, novembre 2015.
- A. Innocenti, “Virtual Reality Experiments in Economics”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 69, August 2017, pp. 71-77.
- G. Collodel, M. Masini, C. Signorini, E. Moretti, C. Castellini, D. Noto, S. Mattioli, V. Santalucia, S. Baraldi, L. M. Lusuardi, M. Sirizzotti, A. Innocenti. Antioxidants, dietary fatty acids and sperm: a virtual reality applied game for scientific dissemination“, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Volume 2019, ID 2065639.
- A. Innocenti, V. Faralla, G. Borà, A. Innocenti, M. Novarese. “Promises in group decision making”, Research in Economics, Volume 74, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 1-11.
- V. Faralla, S. Baraldi, A. Innocenti, L. Lusuardi, M. Masini, V. Santalucia, D. Scaruffi, and M. Sirizzotti.“The effect of future self-continuity on delaying immediate gratification. A virtual reality experiment, in Patrizia Marti, Oronzo Parlangeli e Anna Maria Recupero (eds), ECCE 2021: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, Association for Computing Machinery, 2021, Article No. 9, Pages 1–8.
- S. Ermini, G. Collodel, A. Innocenti, M. Masini, E. Moretti, V. Santalucia, “Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool for Education: A Case Study", in Francesca Maria Ugliotti and Anna Osello (eds), Handbook of Research on Implementing Digital Reality and Interactive Technologies to Achieve Society 5.0, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA 2022, pp.121-137.
- A. Innocenti, “University Research and Teaching in Virtual Reality: The LabVR UNISI Experience", Mem. S.A.It., 2023, Vol. 75, 282.
- V. Faralla, A. Innocenti, S. Baraldi, S. Ermini, L. Lusuardi, M. Masini, V. Santalucia, D. Scaruffi, M. Sirizzotti, “Exposure to immersive virtual environments decreases present bias", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Volume 108, February 2024, 102154.
- Parlangeli, O., Bracci, M., Marchigiani, E., Palmitesta, P., Curro, F., Sirizzotti, M., et al. Will You Work with Us to Design a Robot? Boys’ and Girls’ Choices of Anthropomorphic Robots According to Their Gender. In Design, User experience, and Usability (pp.114-126). 2024, Heidelberg : Springer Verlag [10.1007/978-3-031-61353-1_8].
- Stefano Guidi, Margherita Bracci, Francesco Currò, Alessandro Innocenti, Luca Lusuardi, Enrica Marchigiani, Paola Palmitesta, Matteo Sirizzotti, Oronzo Parlangeli. Not all sizes matter. The perception of robots’ age and mental abilities based on their physical dimensions, ECCE ’24: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2024, Article No.: 29, Pages 1 – 6. []
- T. Luzzati, S. Baraldi, S Ermini, C. Faita, V. Faralla, P. Guarnieri, L. Lusuardi, V. Santalucia, S.Scipioni. M. Sirizzotti, and A. Innocenti. Can improving climate change perception lead to more environmentally friend chioces? Evidence from an immersive virtual environment experiment, Ecological Economics, Volume 229, March 2025, 104875.
- A Pireddu, A Innocenti, L. Lusuardi, V. Santalucia, and C. Simeoni, “The Impact and Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Applied to the Safety Training of Workers in Open-Cast Mining”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2025, 22, n. 2: 151-174.
- S. Guidi, M. Bracci, F. Currò, A. Innocenti, L. Lusuardi, E. Marchigiani, P, Palmitesta, M. Sirizzotti, and O. Parlangeli “You look so young, you look so cute. The relationship between physical appearance, age and mental abilities in social robots” , Information Technology, 2025, 1-10.
- “Virtual Experiments in Economics. A Methodological Assessment”, 2013 Florence Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economis, University of Florence, 2-4 maggio 2013
- “Economic Experiments in Low-Immersive Virtual Environments”, IV Joint Workshop Rutgers-Siena on Cognitive Sciences, Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Sciences, May 21, 2013. 8th AEW Alhambra Experimental Workshop, Luiss University, Roma, 3-5 ottobre 2013
- “Physiological Responses to Stressful Work Situations in Low-Immersive Virtual Environments” (con Valeria Faralla, Stefano Taddei e Eva Venturini), LabSi Working Papers, Università di Siena, n. 47/2013, luglio 2013.
- “Low Immersive Virtual Experiments. Methods and Applications”, aCrossSocial, LABSS-ISTC-CNR, Roma, February 19, 2014; School of Social Sciences, Università di Trento, 2 dicembre 2015
- “Virtual Reality Experiments in Economics”, VR workshop, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, 28 settembre 2017; 8th Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting (SEET Workshop 2018), Lecce, 22-23 febbraio 2018; Workshop Cognition, rationality, and pro-social behavior, IMT Lucca, 22 marzo 2019
- “Intertemporal choice in VR ” 2nd DISPOC Interdisciplinary Meeting, Certosa di Pontignano (Università di Siena), October 4, 2019; 11th Southern Europe Experimental Team’s Meeting SEET 2020, Napoli, February 6-8, 2020
- “The effect of future self-continuity on delaying immediate gratification. A virtual reality experiment” European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, Università di Siena, April 26-29,2021
- “The acceptability of exosomatic energy limits: an immersive virtual reality experiment”, XIV International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, June 14-17, 2022