Joint Meeting Skema-UNISI
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, December 2, 2022
10.00-11.00 Presentation of VR research @ SKEMA (Albert Jolink and Valerio Incerti)
11.00-11.30 Presentation of LabVR UNISI team (Alessandro Innocenti and Luca Lusuardi)
11.30-11.50 The design of VR @ LAbVR UNISI (Vincenzo Santalucia)
11.50-12.10 The programming of VR @ LabVR UNISI (Stefano Baraldi)
12.10-12.30 The metaverse @ LAbVR UNISI (Matteo Sirizzotti)
12.30-13.00 Discussion on collaboration Skema-UNISI.

William Charles Uricchio
MIT and Utrecht University
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, May 20, 2022
“What do we mean when we say VR, and why does it matter?“
I’d like to take up the issue of medium specificity. What sets VR apart? What defines it as a medium? And what are the implications for its capacities to represent, simulate, engage, and enable the sharing of experience? In fact, I think VR has a serious problem: it is one of the more difficult media to pin down (Jaron Lanier’s 52 definitions of VR attests to that!), and in the talk, I will distinguish among three different technologies that we group under the collective title of VR (360 degree, real-time capture, and foveated rendering), exploring their quite different capacities and making the case that we need more precise naming strategies. I’ll look at the implications for user experience particularly in terms of accessing structured information — in the case of my talk, narrative experience.

Özgür Gürerk
(RWTH Aachen University)
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, June 24, 2019
“Experimental Economics in Virtual Reality”
Experimental economics uses controlled and incentivized lab and field experiments to learn about economic behavior. By means of three examples, we illustrate how experiments conducted in immersive virtual environments can benefit (experimental) economic research.

Lucas Braun
(RWTH Aachen University)
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, June 24, 2019
“The technology side of VR Lab”
Introduction and establishment of a new experimental method in the field of experimental economic research in addition to classical laboratory and field experiments. In so-called “immersive virtual environments,” we can perform realistic experiments while maintaining (even increasing) control over experimental settings. The external validity increases.

Patrizia Sbriglia
(Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, May 27, 2019
“Experimental Economis and Virtual Reality”
The seminar presents the effects of virtual reality application on customer experience in museum. A case study was applied in order to analyze the implications for economic analysis.

Filomena Izzo
(Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
Meeting Room, Santa Chiara Lab, May 27, 2019
“Museum Customer Experience and Virtual Reality”
The seminar presents the effects of virtual reality application on customer experience in museum. A case study was applied in order to analyze the research question. The author finds that virtual reality may provide a valuable experience with customers as well as cultural management. Data have been collected only at “Palazzo Ducale” in Venice (Italy), which provide a limited overview of the topic; however a comparative analysis might be applied to evaluate the phenomenon in other Country. Virtual reality is a quite new topic. Only few scholar have been analyzed this phenomenon in relation to museum. The aim of this study is to enrich the current literature review and provide some recommendations to public and private practioners (professionals), providing a diverse prospective of the virtual reality and also strategical actions to improve customers’ experience